How to build a Machine Learning System - Devsort Services Skip to main content


Data has become the new currency in the business world. Companies that can efficiently utilise data are likelier to thrive, while those that don’t risk going out of business altogether. Machine learning systems can help companies to make sense of complex data sets by using algorithms to analyse and learn from the information, uncovering valuable insights and empowering decision-makers. However, creating and designing machine learning systems may seem daunting to business owners. In this article, we will guide you through building a Machine Learning System to boost your business success. This blog will give you a solid foundation of knowledge on the subject. This can be helpful even if you bring in an agency to build a machine-learning system for your business.

Finding a Problem that can be solved with a Machine Learning System

The initial challenge in designing machine learning systems lies in identifying the right problem to address. Businesses use machine learning in recommendation systems, fraud detection and predictive maintenance. However, it is vital to identify a unique problem in your organisation or industry for the system to be effective. 

To find such a problem, start by identifying areas where data is collected and asking yourself how to use it to make predictions or classify items. For example, machine learning systems can forecast patient outcomes in the healthcare industry based on their medical history and demographics. You might use machine learning to detect fraudulent transactions or anticipate stock values in finance.

It is also imperative to assess the potential impact of your machine-learning system on your business or industry. Will it save time and resources? Will it improve customer satisfaction? Will it help you reduce labour costs? These are all crucial questions to ask when considering which problem to solve with machine learning.

Therefore, clearly understanding your intentions and goals is the first step in selecting the right problem that you want to solve with machine learning. You can create a powerful and valuable system by determining the areas in which machine learning can accomplish these objectives. 

Data Collection and Preparation

Once you have identified a problem to solve with machine learning, the next step is to collect and prepare the data. This critical step ensures the success of designing machine learning systems, laying the foundation for the models you’ll build.


To collect data, you should identify the sources relevant to your problem. These might include data from your systems, such as customer transaction data or product usage data, or external data sources, such as public datasets or data from third-party providers.


Once you have collected the data, you must prepare it for use in your machine-learning system. This process involves three essential steps: cleaning the data, converting it into a format that machine learning algorithms can use, and dividing it into training and testing sets.

  • Cleaning

Cleaning the data involves removing irrelevant or duplicates and addressing missing or erroneous values. It is vital because machine learning algorithms are sensitive to the quality of the data they are trained on, and poor-quality data can lead to inaccurate predictions or classifications.

  • Transforming

Transforming the data into a format that machine learning algorithms can use requires some knowledge of the algorithms you plan to use. For example, some algorithms require that the data be normalised or standardised before it is useable. In contrast, others may require that the data be transformed into a specific type of feature space, such as a bag of words for natural language processing tasks.

  • Splitting

The performance of your machine-learning system also depends on how the data is divided into training and testing sets.

The first is used to assess the machine learning model’s performance, whereas the latter is used to train the model. It is crucial to split the data randomly and ensure that the data distribution in the training and testing sets is representative of the overall data distribution.

Data collection and preparation are critical steps in building a machine-learning system. By selecting and preparing data carefully, you can improve model accuracy and reliability and guarantee your machine learning system is equipped to solve the identified problem.

Choosing an Algorithm for Designing a Machine Learning System

There are primarily two types of algorithms: supervised and unsupervised. Choosing a suitable algorithm is critical in building a successful machine learning system. The algorithm you choose will depend on several factors, including the problem you are trying to solve, the type of data you are working with, and the performance metrics you are trying to optimise.

One common approach to choosing an algorithm is to start with a simple model and gradually increase the complexity until you achieve the desired performance. For example, if the linear model doesn’t perform well, you might start with a linear regression model and then move on to a decision tree or a random forest.

Another approach is using a pre-built machine learning library or framework, such as Scikit-learn or TensorFlow, which provides many algorithms and models. These libraries also include tools for evaluating the performance of the models and selecting the best one for your particular problem.

It’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for choosing an algorithm. You may need to experiment with multiple models and assess their performance to determine the optimal solution for your specific problem and dataset.

Model Training and Validation

Once you have collected and pre-processed the data and selected the appropriate algorithm, the next step is to train the model. Model training involves feeding the algorithm with labelled data and fine-tuning the model’s parameters until it produces accurate predictions or classifications.

There are several ways to train a machine learning model, including:

Supervised Learning

A machine learning method called supervised learning trains an algorithm using labelled data. The training data includes input variables (features) and output variables (labels), and the goal is to learn a mapping from the input variables to the output variables. Common examples of supervised learning include classification and regression tasks.

Unsupervised Learning

Machine learning techniques like unsupervised learning include training the algorithm on unlabeled data. It means that the training data has only input variables (features), and the goal is to learn the underlying structure or patterns in the data. Common examples of unsupervised learning include clustering and dimensionality reduction.

Reinforcement Learning

It is a form of machine learning in which the algorithm picks up new information by interacting with its surroundings and getting feedback in the form of rewards or penalties. The goal is to understand a policy that maximises the cumulative reward over time.

Semi-Supervised Learning

This type of machine learning combines labelled and unlabeled data to improve the quality of the model. It is beneficial when labelled data is scarce or expensive to obtain.


Regardless of the type of machine learning used, it’s crucial to validate the model’s performance against a test dataset. This is done by splitting the data. These sets are then used to train the model and evaluate the model’s performance on unseen data.

The following are the steps involved in testing and validating against a test dataset:

  1. Divide the data into sets for training and testing (a.k.a Splitting)
  2. Train the model using the training set.
  3. Evaluate the model’s performance on the testing set.
  4. Adjust the model’s parameters and retrain the model if necessary.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until the desired performance is achieved.

You can use metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and ROC curve to evaluate your model’s performance. The metrics you use will depend on the specific problem you’re trying to solve.

In summary, modelling and training a machine learning system involves selecting an appropriate algorithm and training the model on labelled or unlabeled data. Adjusting the model’s parameters and retraining as necessary can achieve accurate and reliable predictions or classifications. It’s essential to validate the model’s performance against a separate test dataset to ensure it is not overfitting the training data.

Deployment and Monitoring of Machine Learning System

Deploying a model into production is the final step of building a machine learning system. Once you have your model, you must ensure it can be used in real-world scenarios. This involves putting it in an environment where it can be accessed by your users, such as an API or web service.

Once deployed, there are several things you should monitor:

  • Performance over time – How does performance change over time? Are there any patterns? Can you do anything about it?
  • Accuracy – Is accuracy improving or declining over time? If so, why? We want our models’ predictions to improve as they learn from more data!

In conclusion, deploying and monitoring a machine learning model involves:

  • Integrating it into the existing software infrastructure.
  • Making sure it is scalable.
  • Monitoring its performance.
  • Providing continuous feedback to improve its accuracy.

These steps ensure that the model remains effective and accurate in solving real-world problems. 


In conclusion, designing & building successful machine learning systems requires several critical steps that must be followed carefully. Building a machine learning system involves several steps, including problem identification, data collection and preparation, algorithm selection, model testing, training and validation, implementation, and monitoring. Each of these steps is critical in ensuring that the machine learning system is accurate, effective, and able to solve real-world problems. Following these steps, you can create a dependable and precise machine learning system that fulfils your organisation’s or client’s requirements.